Tuesday, April 12, 2011

sunday: 3 ideas for confession

1.) First confession is that I am afraid to grow up. Maybe everyone is actually afraid of this. I am not afraid to grow old at all, I am just afraid of not really living a life. That maybe I need more time to figure out exactly what I want to be in life. I feel that growing up you are told that you have to go to college and then they say get a job but that job you will have for the rest of your life. That scares me and I want more time to live my life how I want it to be. My idea of showing this was to have a series of timers going off. Everyone can relate to being late and hearing their alarm clock go off but in my head I hear 5 alarm clocks. One for my mother that reminds me to stick to my plan and graduate, one from my boyfriend telling me to hurry back home so we can live our life together, another alarm from my father telling me to figure out my carrier and get a real job,  an alarm that represents my whole extended family telling me I need to hurry up to get  married, and the last alarm is from myself, my own body telling me I have only so much time to have children.

2.)Confession number two is personal to me because I can never take it back. In a huge fight with my father I told him that if he ever put his hands on my mother again I would kill him. Just thinking about it sickens me. I am not an angry person yet I let this person bring out the worst in me. I can never take back what I said, no apology will ever erase my words. I was thinking about showing this my breaking a mirror and having the cracked pieces showing. No matter how much glue is used the viewer will always see the fractured lines just like I can not take back the words I said.

3.)Last confession is that i drink my milk from the carton. I have no idea why I do this. I have been doing this since I was very little. My mother would yell at me and I would get in trouble. But for some reason I taste different to me being in a cup. I know that sounds weird. I am not lazy I grab a cup for everything else but that. Luckily I do not share my milk with my roommates cause that would be disgusting. I haven't figured out how I would show this yet I was thinking that maybe I would bring in an item milk carton.

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