Friday, April 1, 2011

response to "Introduction" in the reader

What stayed with me most after reading the "Introduction" was the idea of this "gab" that is between art and life. I understand from the article that some artists work in this gab such as Duchamp and Rauschenberg just to name a few that were mentioned. They changed the way people ideally thought what art is to apply to there work. And within changing this context I feel that they made art more accessible to non art people. For example it opened up this idea of what makes an artist an artist. The previous standard was that the artist had an education and training to become a master artist, however Duchamp changed that by turning a urinal upside down and signing his name to it. He controlled what he believed was art and not what the "art world" thought art should be. 
I also thought that maybe in today's society more artist are trying to not just work in this “gab” but to connect this “gab” between art and life. Maybe art is actually more simple then what we have expected it to be and become over time. The label of defining something as art might be what is stopping a lot of creative thinking. Art is simple to live. So in that context there is no “gab” between art and life because by living we have become the art.  

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