Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Daily Nexus

Famous television psychic John Edward ,from the show “Crossing Over with John Edwards”, will be the class of 2011 Commencement speaker. Not only will the infamous John Edward’s invite the spirit of Chris Farley to actual give the honor of presenting the commencement speech, John Edward’s will also be helping the six hundred and eighty-two UCSB seniors that died last week graduate. “At 1:34 a.m. last night, Bill’s Bus careened off the side of the road and burst into flames on the corner of Calle Real and Hollister Avenue. Six hundred and eighty-two UCSB students were pronounced dead at the scene.”
Luckily the institution had enough money to get John Edward’s to the graduation. This graduation will be one of a kind. And a very special moment for the friends and family of all the victims. It will help give closure to the many families. However what is most up setting is that the parents will not be receiving a refund for the education of their died child. The institution increases tuition by 40% and then doesn’t even give back the money for the unfinished school quarter. That is like buying a gift card and not using it and then being told that the store went out of business and you your gift card is worth absolutely nothing. 
Fortunately Pop and R&B singer Rihanna felt bad and will be performing at the graduation in remembrance of the students. She has even created a Facebook group that is giving blessed thoughts and prayers to all the family and friends. She has decided to perform her number one hit “Disturbia”. You might ask why this song, well it is because this is the song that was playing when the students died that very tragic night on Bill’s Bus. 

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