Friday, April 15, 2011

Saturday: Ch 5 & 6

Chapter 5 was about living in the line. This chapter goes into the idea that art work allows the viewer to have emotions from seeing it and experiencing it. That an image can make the viewer cry, laugh, scream, and a bunch of other human emotions. I agreed with this chapter a lot about how viewing a piece of art work the artist can make the viewer experience a certain emotion by conveying the drama with in the painting and drawing. A certain line or the brush stroke can have an effect on the viewer as well. All these different techniques allow the artist to take control of the viewers personal emotions. 
Chapter 6 is about the aspect of show and tell that is within art. How artists use pictures and words together in a piece of art work to convey there desired effect. This is used by comic book artist all the time. And also artist have worked with this combination as well. I feel that if there is to many words with the image that it becomes very explanatory. The viewer knows right away what the artist is trying to show. I think that this combination works best when there is less words so that the painting or drawing is up for more interpretation.  

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