Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ch.7 & 8

Chapter 7 was about the six steps to creating art. The six steps that are life the scientific method but for art. They are 1. idea/purpose, 2. form, 3. idiom, 4. structure, 5. craft, and 6. surface. This chapter was interesting because as an artist we have to go through these steps and similar other ones to come up with painting, sculpture, poem, performance, and all other types of art work. Brain storming ideas help weed out the less creative ideas from the amazing ideas. This chapter discussed about how self expression of art is in a way the pursuit of the artist finding the truth. Artist are in a way like scientist they are searching and discovering new ways to create art and to push the boundaries more and more each time.

Chapter 8 discussed the usage of color in art and how color has a huge impact. This chapter was the most captivating because the rest of the book is in black and white and then you get to this chapter and the color is everywhere. I felt like i appreciated it more and could really see every square as a little art work compared to the rest of the book. Color has a way of conveying emotions and expressing those emotions to the viewer which brings them into the art work.

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