Sunday, April 3, 2011

begin preliminary thinking about all upcoming assignments: a. Confessions, b. Sequence and narratives, c. alternate persona, d. personal space

A.) Confessions = Anytime I hear the word confession I just think of confessing my sines to a priest. I am Catholic and I attended a private Catholic elementary school and a high school and all the structure and rules have been kinda cemented in my head a little bit. A project that I would like to do that wold involve this idea of confessing ones sines is to have an anonymous confession box on campus. this box would have a piece of paper next to it and it would state "Bless me for I have sinned. It has been ________ (the amount of time) since last confession. This is my sin______________________________________.
These papers would stay anonymous just like it is when a Catholic goes to confession. I made the slip of paper not be connect specifically to a religion because I believe that no matter what religion people always have secrets and crimes to confess. This "Confession Box" would help people let go of there mistakes.

B.) Sequence & Narrative = I would like to create a sequence and narrative of a nightmare. Have this nightmare be placed on the walls of a room that was a circle so that it would be a complete 360degree turn to view everything. The depictions would come off of the pages of paper and attach to the walls and become an instillation piece. The instillation part of the work would allow the viewer to feel engulfed by the nightmare.

C.) Alternate Persona = My idea for this is to become someone that I am completely not. I was thinking about how Nikki S. Lee takes on other peoples lifestyles. I want to act like I am a foreigner. Someone that does not speak English at all. I want to document the treatment of foreigners by Americans who are rude and cruel to them. This would be something that I would have to do in downtown Santa Barbara and not on campus .

D.) Personal Space = My idea for this starts in a bathroom. I have always been intrigued by the writing on the walls of bathroom stalls. This is a personal space that is semi private or at lest for a moment it is. I was thinking about creating a bathroom stall that would be outdoors and not actually used as a place to go to the bathroom but as a private place to anonymously place ones thoughts on the wall of. This stall would have four walls so it would be private and the only thing others would see would be the persons feet that is in the stall. I would place markers of different sizes within the stall and allow the person to use their own as well. After a week of being moved around on UCSB campus I would take it down and open all four panels up for viewing.

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