Wednesday, April 6, 2011

FRI - Reading response: Reader - Duchamp

What I found most interesting about this article was Duchamp's theory on how the artist is not really the creator because the viewer is allowed to be a part of determining what the art work is as well. By giving the viewer the ability to become just as influential as the actual artist was a huge deal. The artist in a since has no control over their art work because they cannot control the viewers own personal impressions and assumptions. 
It a way this scares me as an artist because what if now one views my work like how I had planned for it to be viewed. Maybe I am a control freak. Wither way I know that it is the audience that becomes a part of the work and documents it. The audience tells how the felt when viewing the art work even without knowing the artists explanation of the work.
Duchamp’s idea about this reminds me of Eastern European artists that performed the “outings”. Where they bused people in to remote places on the outskirt of town and and when the people got off the bus they waited for ten minutes and then someone would come up to them and tell them they had just been a part of a live art performance and were handed a piece of paper confirming it.  Then the artists involved would asked the participants to tell them what they had just experienced and through their documentation it was art.  

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