Thursday, April 14, 2011

Confession: happiest/proudest moment.....

My happiest/ proudest moment was actually getting excepted into UCSB. I was a transfer student from Sacramento, California. I had come to visit the campus a month before my application was sent. The moment I stepped foot on campus I knew this was the place for me. The location was perfect and the art program had everything I was looking for in furthering my education. I applied and waited with the other thousand of transfer students and freshmen to see if we got it. I was devastated the day I checked my email and was told I was not excepted. This was my top pick school. I cried as if I had broken up with a boyfriend about it. But I could not take no for an answer, so I appealed the decision and called the school every day. I was not allowed entrance because I took my statistics class in the spring and not the fall. To prove to the school that I wanted to be here I had to send them my transcripts showing my overall GPA of 3.8 and two letters of recommendation. I was fighting for something I wanted so bad. Then I waited again. The school called me and told me that I was excepted into the school and would be a part of the class of 2012. I was ecstatic! All my hard work paid off. I proved to everyone that I could do it and I proved to myself that positive actions always equal positive results.

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