Monday, May 30, 2011

WED.- Reflect on alternate identity

Personal identity is something that we think we see every day from someone. But after thinking about this for awhile I realised that most people really are not true to themselves and pretended to be someone the are not. I think everyone does this. It might be a safety thing that we all do unconsciously. In a way we all live in an alternate identity. It might not be a huge drastic change from who we are but I know for me I am really shy in class, I do not like to talk that much and I rarely raise my hand to answer questions when I know the answers. However all my friends and family know I am a really talkative person. So in school I let myself be perceived as being someone I'm totally not. 
This way of living in an alternate persona happens all the time in the social networking world. Lets start with Myspace. This social networking group is all based on images of people. The people that have this are consumed with making sure there page matches the personality they are trying to convey to the rest of the Internet world. Online dating is kind of the same way. You can make yourself seem to be someone you aren't.

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