Wednesday, May 4, 2011

free form

So today I go to call my mother and my phone does not work! I tried calling her five times then I tried my sister and then my boyfriend and it still did not work. Then it started giving me a voice recorded answering about that my phone number does not work from my phone. All day I have no phone and it feels like the end of the world. No texting at all! Which is not the norm for me because I text message so much that I daily have to delete my inbox. I think back to the days when I did not have a cell phone and I can not understand how I got through a day of class and after school functions with out a phone.

Today has made me realize that I have become so dependent on my cell phone it is sick. I am not even one of those crazy app people who download every new application that comes out every day but I feel completely retarded with out it. I am unable to stay connected with everyone I know. I logged onto my Facebook ten times today just to talk to my friends. People must think I'm pathetic cause every time they log on to there is they see that I am on my. I use my phone as an alarm clock and as a way to make sure I get to class on time because I do not wear a watch and I was very grateful that part of my phone was still working. My day has been stressful without a phone and I am not sure how much longer I can go. Weekend please come sooner so I can take the bus downtown to go to the stupid Verizon store.

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