Saturday, May 7, 2011

ideas for project

Personal Space Project

1.)My first idea is to have a hugging booth. With less then four weeks of school left every students stress level is heighten and it always feels like it is the end of the world with so many projects and papers due. So to help the students know that they are not alone a hugging booth will be established in front of the library. As they enter to cram in studying and exit more stressed then when they entered the library they can help relieve their stress by getting a hug. Hugs make everyone feel better it is proven. 

2.)My second idea is to give free palm readings to students. As the end of the school quarter arrives and seniors are graduating people want to know that there is some security with their future. So I will establish a station across from the UCEN and give out free palm readings. All of these palm readings with be positive and good readings. No negative palm readings because negative energy causes negative outcomes and I do not want to be effective by it. Of course the palm readings will be made up and wont be true to the person but positive words of wisdom help people. 

3.)My third idea is to have chalk drawing on campus. This would connect the audience I am reaching back to their own personal childhood. I would also want to do this in front of the UCEN. It would be fun and a great way to be interactive with my audience. I really wanted to do something that would reach people. I did not want to perform by myself and this would be an interesting way to see what things people decided to draw. The chalk I would get would be really colorful. I was also thinking about getting the glow-in-the-dark chalk so that at night time people could still enjoy the art on the ground. 

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