Wednesday, May 18, 2011

free form

So on a Sunday the Cops came to my apartment. I was not expecting them at all. I was interrogated for 15 minutes. I was questioned about who I was and how long I have lived at my apartment. It was not cool. I was questioned like I was lying or had something to hide. They did not believe me at all when I gave them my name and told them I had no idea who they were looking for. So they made me go get my wallet to show them my ID. Then they looked at it like it was fake. I have never had anyone not believe me. They kept asking me the same questions over and over again. And I understand they have a job to do but there comes to a point when it's enough. 

They then made me go wake up my roommate so they could question her. The kept asking her the same questions they asked me. And I think they made me wake her up to make sure I was lying or hiding whoever they were looking for. Come to find out they were looking for a guy that had stabbed and killed another guy in Isla Vista Saturday night. This freaked me out more because Isla Vista Cops are never around when you really need them. I also found out that the ambulance took so long to show up that the victims friends rushed him to the hospital. And the Dr. said that if he would have gotten there sooner he would have lived. A complete failure on Isla Vista and Santa Barbara Cops and Medical personnel.  

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