Monday, May 30, 2011

THURS - Which was your favorite and least favorite work presented & why?

My favorite work from today was Joshua Miranda's ninja. It was so awesome. He really got into character to make it more real. Him creating a ninja mask and ninja stars just added so much more to his whole alternate identity. His video was extremely well put together. It was a great narrative of a 48 hour period in the day and life of a ninja. The video frames of him hiding behind trees and then showing him with a circle around him was perfect. I could tell that a lot of planning went on for his project. I also loved Natalie's performance. She stayed in character the whole time and had the voice down!!! Her video was also well put together. I am glad she really used the whole campus as a part of her video showing the dorm room dinning commons. My least favorite alternate identity was Ashley's. I just want there to be more to it besides sleeping in her parking lot of her apartment. I think if she would have parked her car in a store parking lot that would have given a more homeless aspect to it. I just wanted more to her performance and I think she could have taken it farther.

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