Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fast Five

I recently saw the movie Fast Five and to my surprise it was good. Not academy award great but it was filled with lots of action sequences and drama. The movie was less about cars and more about the characters. I could tell that in this movie they wanted to really invested in the growth of the characters so that there can be more sequels to its original movie. The movie was set in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil which allowed for amazing city scape scenes to be filmed. The beach scenes were very pretty but my favorite scenes were of the barrio or the shanty town. The make shift homes with metal scrap roof tops were not a part of a stage they were the real homes of people and I thought that gave the scene more of a quite intimate moment with the audience. 

These shanty towns that were in the movie reminded me of the shanty towns of Mexico. And I am actually doing an art project about them so I think that is why I appreciated them so much more. I can see the culture and the growth of a group of people within each level that is built up. The pan scene of this shanty town allows the viewer to see how vast it is. How it climbs up the side of a mountain. 

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