Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

With this class I have a couple concerns. My first concern is that I am not creative enough. I know that might sound like a stupid answer coming from an art student but I feel that is my insecurity. What if my ideas are lame and are not interesting to my classmates. And my second concern to be completely honest I fear critique days. The idea of having your work that you have spent so much time on being judged by everyone is scary to me. I have taken many classes that always have critique and I still have not become comfortable with it. I think that maybe I become to attached to my art work and I feel that it becomes a piece of me that I am showing to the world. I can handle constructive criticism but I feel that people sometimes do not know how to actually give constructive criticism.

With this class I want to actually start making my own art outside of what my professors want from me this quarter. I want to take "me" time to create what I want. I want to feel comfortable showing my art work to people and not be afraid if they do not like it.

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